Free Flight Sim

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WASD = flying


e = tilt rear wing

= engine power

i = start engine

c = change view

b = brakes

t = air trails

esc = leave fullscreen

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Free Flight Sim

To fly in the real world, you need to have completed aviation course, which means long hours and hours of training including learning of theoretical knowledge of flying. With our game Free Flight Sim, you can simply forget this boring stuff because we move right to the fun part, to the flying itself. Get in our specially adjusted lightweight propeller airplane with realistic physics and fly up to the skies! Pilot the airplane and discover various places and gaps between the rocks that only the real pros can pass through. To start the aircraft, press and hold the "i" key while adjusting the engine power by your up and down keys. Become the king of the skies, do various flips and twists, fly around the hills, and find the very well hidden treasure! Have fun.

Published on 22 de dez de 2017

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